What is a workplace accident?

A workplace accident or occupational accident is exactly what it sounds like; an accident that occurs while working or at work which can lead to physical or mental issues and injuries. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than 337 million workplace accidents happen each year, which contribute to more than 2.3 million workplace deaths annually.

What to do after a Workplace Accident?

  • See your doctor immediately or go to the hospital to document that your injury is work related.
  • Report your accident to your employer and fill out any appropriate forms to start the WCB claim process.
  • WCB will send you paperwork after several days, if you do not receive anything, please call WorkSafe BC at 1-888-621-7233.
  • Once your claim is approved, we can start treatment.
  • Give us a call to book your initial assessment. Make sure to mention that your injury is work related when booking your appointment and checking in.

We can help you return to work after an accident

Our multidisciplinary team or physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other practitioners can provide a comprehensive Gradual Return-to-work (GRTW) program. Our team of physiotherapist are experienced in treating workplace injuries from chronic pain (i.e. Carpal tunnel syndrome), acute pain (sore back from lifting), and more serious injuries that require a longer treatment plan. With a caring and supportive approach, we are committed to helping you return to work in a health, happy and pain free manner.

Gradual Return-to-work (GRTW) program Benefits can include:

  • Facilitates a smooth transition back to work after an injury or illness.
  • Supports employees in gradually increasing their work hours and responsibilities.
  • Reduces the risk of re-injury by ensuring a gradual and controlled return to full workload.
  • Enhances employee morale and confidence by providing a structured plan for reintegration into the workplace.
  • Promotes open communication between employers, employees, and healthcare providers to address any concerns or challenges during the return-to-work process.
  • Improves workplace productivity and efficiency by ensuring employees are ready and able to perform their duties effectively.
  • Helps maintain a positive work environment by demonstrating the organization’s commitment to employee health and well-being.
  • Minimizes absenteeism and associated costs by facilitating a timely return to work.
  • Encourages collaboration between healthcare professionals, employers, and employees to develop tailored return-to-work plans based on individual needs and abilities.
  • Fosters a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that prioritizes employee health and safety.


The Gradual Return-to-Work (GRTW) program offers a supportive pathway for employees to ease back into their roles, fostering confidence and well-being in the workplace.