Job Site Visit – This assessment is conducted at the worksite to review of job tasks and critical job demands and explore return to work options including GRTW planning.
Job Demands Analysis – This is a detailed quantitative and qualitative assessment of the physical demands, environment and psychosocial stressors associated with a particular job.
Gradual Return to Work (GRTW) Plan – Following a job site visit from one of our specialists, our GRTW Plan is developed with your participation as well as help from your employer and the attending physician. Our goal is to reintegrate you back into your workplace. Our effective GRTW Plan contains specific hours, duties and a defined end date.
Ergonomic Assessment – Our specialists help improve your current workstation orientation and postures through on the spot changes. They educate you on neutral ergonomic postures and find opportunities to help you self-correct these issues. They outline and identify ergonomic risk factors and red flags and collect data regarding your comfort/discomfort level, work tasks and general work habits. At the end of the assessment our specialist will create a report to help you better understand what you need to change in order to correct ergonomic issues.